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Using your remote to control audio/video products

Follow the steps below to control other devices using the 3·2·1 system remote. You'll find a list of device codes in the back of your owner's guide. More than one code may work with your brand of product. If you notice a lack of response or limited functionality after setting up the remote, try a different code for that brand.

Note: During programming, if the wrong key is pressed or an invalid device code is entered, the remote status light flashes rapidly eight times. Wait seven seconds for the remote to clear and begin programming again.

To control your TV

Turn the system and TV on.

On the remote, press and hold the TV button until the remote LED lights up(about five seconds).

Using the PRESETS (1–9) buttons, enter the TV's four-digit device code. The remote LED will turn off briefly as each key is pressed.

Check that the LED turns off after you enter the code. If the LED blinks, the code is invalid. Try another code.

Point the remote at the TV and press the TV ON/OFF button. If the TV does not respond, try other codes.


TV On/Off

To control the cable/satellite box

Turn the system and cable/satellite box on.

On the remote, press and hold the CBL-SAT button until the remote LED lights up (about five seconds).

Using the PRESETS (1–9), enter the cable/satellite box's four-digit device code. The remote LED will turn off briefly as each key is pressed.

Check that the LED turns off after you enter the code. If the LED blinks, the code is invalid. Try another code.

Point the remote at the cable/satellite box and press the CBL-SAT ON/OFF button. If the cable/satellite box does not respond, try other codes.



To control a VCR or DVR (such as TiVo or Replay TV):

Turn the system and VCR or DVR on.

On the remote, press and hold the Aux button until the remote LED lights up (about five seconds).

Using the PRESETS (1–9) buttons, enter the VCR's or DVR's four-digit device code. The remote LED will turn off briefly as each key is pressed.

Check that the LED turns off after you enter the code. If the LED blinks, the code is invalid. Try another code.

Point the remote at the VCR or DVR and press the Aux ON/OFF button. If the VCR or DVR does not respond, try other codes.


Aux On/Off

To change the default TV channel control

On the remote, press and hold the PREVIOUS button (or "LAST" on pre-extended remotes). The remote status LED will illuminate and blink once for TV (factory setting), twice for CBL-SAT or three times for Aux to identify the default TV channel control.

When the blinking stops, press the source button (TV, CBL/SAT or Aux) that corresponds to the device you want to use for selecting TV channels.

Press EXIT.

To confirm, press and hold the PREVIOUS button and count the number of blinks. If the change was made, press EXIT. If not, repeat steps 2 and 3.