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Bose QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds

Sold from 2023 – present

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Serial number location

Serial numbers contain important information about your product, including model number and DOM (Date of Manufacture). The serial number can be found on your product, product packaging or app (if applicable).

QC Ultra Earbuds serial number locations

View the Earbud Date Code

Remove the stability band from the earbud. The date code is located on the earbud in the wide area near the microphone.
IMPORTANT: Please ensure the stability band is replaced and aligned correctly to avoid any issues related to power, charging the battery, microphone and audio performance. See Changing the stability bands for complete instructions.

View the Charging Case Serial Number

Remove the earbuds from the charging case. The charging case serial number is located below the earbuds status light inside the earbud well.

Checking the Serial Number in the Bose App

In the Settings menu, click "Technical Info" to see the serial number.
product technical information page

Bose Wireless Charging Case Cover Serial Number Location

To view the serial number located inside the case cover:
  1. Hold the bottom third of the case cover.
  2. Open the earbuds case lid.
  3. Grasp the lid at the back (near the hinge) and at the front of the lid.
  4. Lift the earbuds case up and out of the case cover.
  5. The 17-digit serial number is located to the left of the USB-C connector.
    wireless charging case cover interior
    Taking a picture and zooming in on the image can help in viewing the serial number (underlined above).
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