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Bose Sleepbuds™ II

Sold from 2020 – 2023

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Using Phone-Free Mode

In Phone-Free Mode, your pre-selected sleep sound will play as soon as the sleepbuds are removed from the charging case, no app required.

Enter or exit Phone Free mode.

Note: Alarms and notifications are disabled in Phone-Free mode.

  1. Connect you Sleepbuds to your mobile device
  2. In the Bose Sleep app, tap the Settings icon in the upper-right

  3. Under OPTIONS, tap Phone-Free Mode

  4. View the tips, then tap Got It

  5. Tap Set Up Phone-Free Mode

  6. Set options for My Sounds, Sleep Timer and Volume,then tap Enable Phone-Free Mode.


To exit Phone-Free mode:

In Phone-Free mode, the main screen of the Sleep app shows a Disable Phone-Free Mode button. Tap it to disable, then confirm when prompted.

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