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SoundTouch® 130 home cinema system

Sold from 2014 – 2018

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Understanding LED indicator status lights and information

Find out what the LED indicator light on your product tells you about the status of your product.

SoundTouch Wireless Adapter LED Status Indicator

Back of SoundTouch adapter showing Wifi indicator
LED State   Description
Off LED off The adapter is unpowered, connected via Ethernet or the network is disabled
White (blinking fast) LED blinking white quickly The adapter is attempting to connect to a Wi-Fi network
White (slow flash) LED blinking white slowly The adapter is downloading a firmware update
White LED solid white The adapter is connected to a Wi-Fi network
White (solid 3 sec, double-flash, repeat) LED blinking white 3 times The adapter is installing a firmware update
Amber (blinking) LED blinking amber The adapter failed to connect to Wi-Fi / network error
Amber (blinking fast) LED blinking quickly The adapter has a firmware error
Amber (solid) LED solid amber The adapter is in setup mode broadcasting its "Bose SoundTouch Wi-Fi Network"
Note: Adapters produced after DOM 4286 have a clear plastic lens in front of the indicator allowing the light from the LED to be seen more easily. Adapters produced before this DOM may require looking directly in to the hole to to see the LED.

Soundbar LED Status Indicator

The status light is located under the top speaker grille and below the Bose logo. (Note: This light will only glow if there is a system error.)
LED State   Description
Flashing red Error communicating with bass module
Solid red Amplifier Fault

Acoustimass Module LED Status Indicator

The status light is located on the back of the bass module. It is below the barcode and above the Console and Service labels.
LED State   Description
Solid Amber LED Solid Amber Connected to the console
Blinking Amber
(every 3 seconds)
LED Blinking Amber every 3 second Acoustimass module is disconnected from the console
Slow Blinking Amber LED Slow Blinking Amber Acoustimass module is available to make wireless connection to console
Fast Blinking Red LED Fast Blinking Red Bass module error
Solid Red LED Solid Red System error
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