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Bose Sleepbuds™ II

Sold from 2020 – 2023

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Sleep sounds play on phone instead of Sleepbuds

If play a noise-masking sound in the Bose Sleep app but you hear the sound from the speaker on your mobile device instead of your Sleepbuds, note the following:

When browsing the Sound Library in the Sleep app, sounds play from you mobile device speaker.

When you tap the Grid icon in the Sleep app to view the Sound Library, tapping a Play button below a sound will preview it on your mobile device speaker. To hear it on your Sleepbuds, be sure it has been transferred to your Sleepbuds. If it has, tap the Heart icon to view My Sounds. These are the sounds currently loaded on your Sleepbuds, which you can play and hear on your Sleepbuds. For more info, see Previewing, adding and removing sounds in the Sleep app.
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