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Bose Smart Speaker 500

Sold from 2018 – present

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Google Assistant does not respond to Action button or wake-up word

If you say "Hey Google" to make a voice request to Google Assistant but your product does not light up or respond when you talk, try the following:

Determine if the Google Assistant account is already linked to another Bose account.

A Google account can only be linked to one Bose account. If the Google account you are trying to add has already been added to another user's Bose account, an error will occur when trying to add the same Google account to your Bose account. This can happen, for example, if multiple members of a home have their own Bose accounts but are trying to use the same Google Assistant. The user who already added this Google account to their Bose account must be the user that adds the Google account to additional Bose products. So, either have that user setup the product and then share it so you can add the product to your Bose account, or have that user remove the Google account from their Bose account so you can access the Google account.

Be sure the product's listening feature is turned on.

If the LED underneath your product's microphone icon is red, the microphones are disabled, and the product will not listen to voice commands. To allow voice commands, enable the microphone. For more info, see Muting or un-muting the voice assistant microphone.

Reset your product.

Much like rebooting a smartphone, your product might need to be reset on occasion to correct minor issues. For more info, see Resetting your product.

Restore the system to its factory defaults and restart the set up process.

For more info, see Resetting your product.
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