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Acoustic Wave® music system II

Sold from 2006 – 2018

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Connecting a Wave Bluetooth Music Adapter

The Wave Bluetooth music adapter accessory can be connected to compatible Wave systems to offer wireless Bluetooth audio playback with your Wave system.

To connect the Wave Bluetooth® Music adapter:

Before you begin

If your product software is version 01.xx.xx or earlier, it needs to be updated first. For more info, see Checking the software or firmware version and Updating the software or firmware of your product.

To connect the Bluetooth adapter

  1. Connect the adapter to the Bose link jack on the back of the Acoustic Wave system
    Tip: On the connector, face the words Bose link upward to align it properly

    Boselink connector and adapter placement
  2. Place the adapter near your system; it does not need to be visible
    Tip: If the adapter to the left of the system as you face it, keep it 2 inches (5 cm) away to reduce AM radio reception interference
  3. If needed, connect the power supply to the adapter:
    • If the DOM (date of manufacture) on your product is 9315 or earlier, connect the power supply
    • If the DOM is 9316 or later, the power supply is not needed
    • For more info, see Serial number location

      Power connections
To connect a Bluetooth device, see Connecting a Bluetooth device.
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