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Shopping carts and GST

Shopping help

Find helpful information for how to purchase Bose® products online, from the checkout process to guidance for international shoppers.

Your Bose.co.nz purchase includes GST (Good and Services Tax) as required by law. The tax rate is 15%.

Purchasing a product on Bose.co.nz is a simple, clearly guided process that is completed in just a few steps. Once you've added an item to your cart, you'll see an order summary, along with any recommended accessories for your purchase. You can choose to continue shopping, or begin checkout. Click "PROCEED TO CHECKOUT" and you will follow these steps:

  • Shipping and billing: Select a shipping method, and enter shipping and billing information. If desired, you can add gift messaging to your order from this page
  • Payment: Select your payment method
  • Review and complete order: Review your order, including shipping and payment information. Complete your order by clicking the "PLACE ORDER" button
  • Order confirmation: Once submitted, you'll receive an order confirmation number

Orders placed on Bose.co.nz can only be shipped to addresses within New Zealand. If you would like to place an order for shipment to another country, please visit Bose® Worldwide.